January 18, 2014

2014 - The year of "Murph" at CrossFit St. Louis

I've talked to several members, and we are all going to take on a 2014 challenge of our own. As many of you know, "Murph" is a Hero WOD, named after Navy Lt. Michael Murphy, recently memorialized publicly in the movie "Lone Survivor".

Mike Murphy is said to have frequently done this workout himself and called it "Body Armor". Here is the workout:

1 Mile Run
100 Pull-Ups
200 Push-Ups
300 Squats
1 Mile Run
(All done with a 20 lb vest)

At 3:00 each Sunday in 2014, there will be a group of us meeting at CrossFit St. Louis to do this workout, (less the 20 lb vest unless you'd like to invest in one and wear it).

You do NOT have to do this entire workout RX (or RX less vest), to participate. Start where you are comfortable that you can finish it, then increase over the course of the year. That may be a 400M run, with 25/50/75 reps the first weekend. (I think several plan to do 1/2 Murph weekend 1, then 3/4 Murph weekend 2 and get to a full Murph by the 3rd weekend).

We will be starting at 3:00 each Sunday afternoon, so come a few minutes early if you would like to warm up, though most of us run at a pace that our 1 mile run will be the warm up.

First weekend: January 26, 2014. Hope to see you there.

I am expecting many to see their first full Murph time in the 45-60 minute range, and then seeing them drop to the 30-45 minute range by year's end. Some will start under 45 and possibly get under 30. Whatever you do, come to push yourself at this workout! The fatigue level will be high and pushing through will be something that takes mental stamina as well as muscular.

Finally, this workout, while popularized by the recent movie, is not chosen because of the movie, and while we are extremely thankful for the sacrifice of Mike Murphy, it isn't chosen specifically to honor him weekly either. The workout has a wonderful combination of distance, pull, push and squat movements, all extremely important to functional longevity and general CrossFit success. It is also a good quality weekly exam for those preparing for a half marathon, "warrior dash" or "tough mudder" in 2014.


Lt. Michael P. Murphy
US Navy Seal Team 10
Lost during Operation "Red Wing" June 28, 2005

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